Canadian Consulting Engineer

Exp, Crossey and Diamond Schmitt to develop Fredericton’s new performing arts centre

November 11, 2020

The facility will replace the Fredericton Playhouse.

Fredericton Performing Arts Centre Lobby

Renderings courtesy Diamond Schmitt Architects.

The municipal government of Fredericton has selected Diamond Schmitt Architects and Exp Engineering to design its new performing arts centre, with Crossey Engineering supporting the project with mechanical and electrical engineering services.

The selection was announced following the review of 20 submissions from firms across North America and the shortlisting of three finalists. Next, Diamond Schmitt will develop a detailed design to assist with discussions with other levels of government for project funding. Exp will serve as associate architect and provide structural and civil engineering, accessibility measures, commissioning and support for Crossey’s mechanical and electrical systems.

Fredericton Performing Arts Centre Exterior

The facility will be constructed on the site of the current Fredericton Playhouse, which was built in 1964, to provide a larger, modern building that can host more visitors for year-round events. It will connect to the adjacent Fredericton Convention Centre.


“We are excited to continue our work for this prominent site in Fredericton’s Capital District,” says Gary McCluskie, principal at Diamond Schmitt, “and to realize the evolution of a building that will energize the community’s sense of cultural pride for generations to come.”

Fredericton Performing Arts Centre Hall


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